the purpose of our whale observation was to use the clinometers we made in class to find out how far away the whales we observed were. the research question is Are the whales closer to shore in the start of the season or the end. i think the whales will be closer to shore in the begining because the havent given birth yet and they will be less protective but in the end of the season when they whales have given birth they will stay farther awayfrom shore and from humans. the observation at mcregors point went okay. we saw some whales spouting alot and a couple of breaches. it would have been easier if it werent so windy. the clinometer readings might have been inacurate because of the wind

Step one determine elavation

step two look through straw at whale.

step three have partner record angle of inclanatio
step four calculate angle of inclanation on computer. sorry no picture
The graph above shows that the whales we observered from the boat were signifcantly farther from shore then the whales we observed at mcgregors point.
From our data we have figured out that the whales stay closer to shore in the begining of the season before they give birth and go far out later in the whale season. theese findings were consistant with my hypothesis.
My personal experence for the whale watching was none becauuse i did not attend the whale watch due to scheduling issues.
heres to the internet for having whale pictures